
Feb 10, 2017

Leading sign franchise identifies Wales as a key target market for expansion
Signarama, the world’s largest sign making franchise with over 920 outlets in 55 countries, is searching for new franchisees in Wales. The signage expert has identified Wales a key target market in its future growth plans.
The signage business is booming worldwide as organisations compete to attract new customers in ever-crowded marketplaces. All businesses have one thing in common, they all strive for increased growth and greater profits. For this to happen it is essential that a business raises awareness of its brand. 
According to Signarama, it has never been a better time to invest in the signage market. The sign and graphics sector is a global multi-billion pound industry as businesses and organisations need to find new ways to promote and differentiate themselves. Signarama has been at the forefront of this sector for over 20 years.
Like the rest of the UK, the Welsh economy has recovered well after the recession and is on an upward curve where investment and employment opportunities are increasing. The tourism industry is also booming, with the latest figures showing Wales had 884,000 international visitors spending £353 million during 2013.
"We see Wales as a key target market for Signarama UK due to its increased investment and continual growth, we will not be offering this opportunity to just anyone,” explains Sunil Kapoor, Signarama UK managing director and master franchisee.
“We have a number of prime territories available throughout Wales. Whilst most franchise agreements are for five years ours is 27 years, one of the longest in the industry. We want to build a long-term relationship with our franchise partners. They can be confident they are joining a secure, profitable and sustainable business – they know we will still be in business in 27 years’ time.”
He added: “All our franchisees undergo our industry leading five week training programme (including two weeks at the company HQ in Florida) as well receiving extensive mentoring from experienced franchisees.  Running a Signarama franchise can be highly rewarding from both a financial and personal viewpoint.  Over 25 years we have already made all the mistakes and perfected the business model so it is a successful formula, which our franchisees can take full advantage of.  In addition, we are bang up to date with all the latest signage and design developments so our franchisees can offer customer cutting edge signs.”