Franchisee Phil Faces Facebook Phobia!


Feb 10, 2017

Like many people, I was always under the impression that Facebook was built for the younger generation to use for chatting among themselves, share media etc., but little did I realise that more of the older generation, and businesses, were starting to use the social media site. After attempting a few times to manage my own Facebook Business Page, it became apparent that there was a bit more to it than met the eye, and I was a little outside of my comfort level. I did a few weekly posts myself, and this did generate a few enquiries, but I soon realised that I didn’t have enough time on my hands to keep it fully up to date, and use the site to its full potential.

I attended the Ovenu AGM in May 2015; Rik (our MD) told us that, before the main presentation, there would be a range of workshops to attend, for us all to get more clued up on what was going on at HQ. This included Shannon’s, who works at Head Office, Facebook Business Page Management service.  I picked up one of the very useful Facebook handouts, created by Shannon, which included everything we needed to do in order to achieve a successful business page… panic! However, Shannon assured everyone that all of these aspects are covered in her service, and all for an extremely reasonable monthly outgoing. For me, it was a no-brainer. I realised that I simply would not have time to cover all of these features, as I had only been operating for just over a year at the time, and my work load was ever increasing due to gaining a considerable amount of returning business. I also have children in school, as well as my own social commitments to keep up with, so time was precious.

I decided to give it a whirl and started using Shannon’s service… I can absolutely say I have not looked back since! I went from having tens of ‘likers’ to now having over 500! Every month I now have at least five times more bookings than before, especially when Shannon uses her creative head and sets up a Post Boost for me (she also prompts me as to when the most cost effective times are to do a Post Boost, during the months of the year). I now have thirty-three Five Star reviews and better than that, more time to focus on the jobs at hand, spend time with my family and stick to my social events. I have had a great return on investment and every month, in general, I get at least four to five times more back that what I spend and in the busiest month of the year (December) I have got at least ten times return on investment.

Shannon, (pictured above with a colleague of mine), is efficient, imaginative, resourceful and hard working. She spends a lot of time and effort researching into aspects of Facebook for businesses that I would never have the time or patience to do myself, ultimately, giving me a brilliant work life balance.

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